A Brain-Friendly System for Learning
Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Kinesiology

Published by Bodylight Books

Thinking Skull

Bony Landmarks
Practice visual and verbal

Blank Bone Cards
Make your own flashcards

Study Questions
Review each section of book

Action Tables
Synergists & antagonists

Muscle Tickets
Randomized muscle drills

MusclePlus Flashcards
Memorize muscle details

Muscle OIA Match-Up
Muscle info card game

Miscellaneous materials

Brain-Friendly Study Tools
Learn muscles, bones, more

Student Materials
Study aids for students

Instructor Resources
Powerpoint slides, etc.

Continuing Ed Graduates
For grads of CE classes

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Resources > Brain-Friendly Study Tools > MusclePlus Flashcards

MusclePlus Flashcards

Muscle Flashcards for Smartphones (web app)
MusclePlus+ Flashcards - Smartphone Edition create an on-the-go way to study and memorize the muscles of the body. They are provided as "web apps" which means you must have an internet connection to use them. The flashcards are sized for a smartphone screen, and there are zoom buttons and to enlarge the cards for viewing on tablets and computer screens. Click or tap on a body region icon below to bring up a set of flashcards in a new window that is the size of a smartphone screen.
MusclePlus Flashcard Sample
Sample - click to enlarge

All Body RegionsMusclePlus Flashcards
Muscles that move the
All Body Regions

Separate Card Decks by Body Region

If you are only interested in the muscle groups for one Body Region, use the buttons below. These reduce your internet usage by downloading a smaller set of images.
Upper Extremity</span>MusclePlus Flashcards
Muscles that move the
Upper Extremity
Axial BodyMusclePlus Flashcards
Muscles that move the
Axial Body
Lower ExtremityMusclePlus Flashcards
Muscles that move the
Lower Extremity

iPhone/iPad Usage Notes

If you are using an iPhone or iPad, you can add the above icons to your home screen. That way, you can tap the app icons to go straight to the muscle flashcards.. Here's how: While viewing a flashcard set in the Safari browser, tap on the "arrow" icon in the menu bar and select "Add to Home Screen" from the list of options.

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